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Detect, visualize and explore hidden insights in AWS Neptune graph database

Connect Linkurious Enterprise to AWS Neptune graph database and create a turnkey solution to efficiently detect and analyze patterns hidden in AWS Neptune graph data.

From 0 to graph expert in minutes

icon-confirm-blue 1,000s of analysts throughout the world use Linkurious Enterprise in mission-critical investigations

icon-confirm-blue Leverage AWS OpenSearch or Elasticsearch to quickly find the most relevant information in your graph

icon-confirm-blue Leverage time filters, geospatial layouts and more to make sense of the most complex graphs in AWS Neptune

icon-confirm-blue Use Gremlin to turn advanced investigation workflows into dynamic forms or buttons

icon-confirm-blue Add new nodes, create categories or edit properties in your AWS Neptune graph databse without any line of code

Detect hidden insights

icon-confirm-blue Monitor your AWS Neptune graph and generate alerts based on Gremlin queries

icon-confirm-blue Easily edit and manage your queries to create detection models and alerts.

icon-confirm-blue Combine multiple models into a single alert.

icon-confirm-blue Visualize, classify and annotate alerts in a single view to streamline processing

icon-confirm-blue Make quick informed decisions with rich case-specific attributes.

icon-confirm-blue Control access to alerts with flexible permissions

Work as a team

icon-confirm-blue Create an unlimited number of easy-to-manage shared spaces for your teams to ensure access to relevant visualizations

icon-confirm-blue Share multiple visualizations of you AWS Neptune data at once with your team

icon-confirm-blue Flexible REST API to integrate with existing tools such as BI tools and case management software

icon-confirm-blue Advanced access rights management and authentication to secure sensitive data

icon-confirm-blue Deploy in cloud or on premise


Simply powerful. Powerfully simple.

Whoever said you can't have it all never talked to us. Linkurious Enterprise is a financial crime investigation software that's both powerful and easy.


Prevent criminal activity from going unnoticed

Case Management


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