
Heroes fighting for a world with less crime deserve superpowers

Today’s investigations raise complex data problems. NGOs struggle with many of the same challenges financial institutions are facing in the fight against financial crime, such as large amounts of data and information scattered across different sources - and they’re doing it with extremely limited resources. Data and visualization are powerful tools to educate the public. But how can you do this effectively?

Discover our program for NGOs

Get to the bottom of your investigations 10X faster

We build a comprehensive view of the entities you’re investigating and their connections by combining machine learning and graph analytics, giving you the full context surrounding any suspicious individual or situation in seconds. That means you can follow your intuition and dynamically filter data or explore new relationships as well as write reports with the certainty of understanding the full picture.

Join forces to outsmart savvy criminals

Teams of investigators can easily access Linkurious Enterprise via their favorite web browser. Manage access rights and authentication to make sure sensitive data remains protected. You’ve found interesting information? Share a visualization with colleagues or export it as a file in a few clicks.

Share your stories with the world

The Linkurious Enterprise API lets you enrich your articles and website with impactful visualizations that bring your data to life. Give context and impact to your stories to better inform your audience.

Our solutions



Financial crime


Security and Intelligence


Anti-money laundering


We're making a difference

How the ICIJ unraveled the Panama Papers

Learn how the ICIJs investigators unveiled fraudulent schemes from the Panama Papers data leaks.

Mapping the Syrian regime’s connections and financial flows

Discover how the Obsalytics team investigated the main power structures and financial flows in Syria and tried to democratize that information by making it available for the general public.

Mapping financial connections to fight violence and corruption

Learn how Justice for Myanmar followed the money to understand and expose the source of power of the violent and corrupt Myanmar military.

The Sentry: Accelerating anti-corruption investigations

The Sentry seeks to disable multinational predatory networks that benefit from violent conflict and kleptocracy. To facilitate the data-based portions of their investigations, The Sentry turned to graph visualization.

How it works

On-premise or in the cloud, real time or batch, scale to billions of nodes and edges - Linkurious Enterprise has you covered.

Identify relevant data sources

Leverage existing internal (KYC, transactions, scoring) and external data (PEP, watchlists, company registries), no matter where it’s coming from.

Turn your data into a graph

Direct compatibility with Neo4j and Azure Cosmos DB. Use graph analytics and machine learning to fuse multiple data sources into a single unified source of truth.

Identify anomalies

Leverage pre-built alerts or build your own graph queries and ML models to identify suspicious activities.

Give access to your team

Compatible with LDAP/Active Directory, SSO (Azure AD, SAML2). Ability to manage fine grained access rights.

Set up your investigations

Customize the user interface based on the specifics of your data and use case. Embed new capabilities into existing tools via a REST API.