Linkurious now fully supports DataStax Enterprise Graph. We’re very excited to partner with DataStax to help their clients find value in their data and enable them to use it for fraud detection, cyber security and intelligence analysis.

DataStax Enterprise is a graph database solution based on the open source Apache Cassandra architecture. Datastax provides support for key-value, tabular, JSON/Document, and graph data models. They are one of the leading graph database solution worldwide and offer many interesting features and advantages in terms of scalability and reliability for cloud applications. They already have many big clients, and cover a vast array of different use cases. For example, among others, they help Netflix deliver personalized content continuously to their 50 million users and Microsoft power its Office 360 store. More information on DSE Graph here.
Linkurious is a graph visualization solution that helps analysts around the world search, explore and investigate graph data. Supporting the new DataStax Enterprise Graph helps bring Linkurious’ analytic powers to investigate massive datasets of billions of objects, spanning across hundreds of machines in multiple datacenters. Linkurious Enterprise is easy to setup and provides advanced security and customization options. It is used for fraud detection, cyber security, intelligence analysis, medical research or any other field involving large amounts of connected data.
As Billy Bosworth, CEO of DataStax, explained right after the 2016 DataStax Europe Summit’s keynote: “Linkurious really brings the graph technology to life, and that inspired a lot of people.”
« “The use of powerful and reliable graph databases solutions like DataStax will continue to grow as data collection continues to increase exponentially in many industries. At Linkurious, our aim is to help companies make smarter decisions by revealing the value in their graph data and making it accessible and comprehensible, even to non-technical users.” »

Here is Billy Bosworth (CEO of Datastax), Matthias Broecheler (Director of Engineering for DSE Graph) and Jean Villedieu (co-founder of Linkurious) discussing how Linkurious and DataStax are working together to make graph data technology come to life at the DataStax Summit Europe 2016 Keynote.
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