Linkurious v1.1 released: legends, embeddable web widgets, and parallel edges
The new release of our graph visualization software Linkurious is now available! Called “Tragicomical Toucan”, it is the first production-ready version. Linkurious v1.1 is available in two flavors: Starter and Enterprise. Both variants are always concerned by releases.
We have added many expected features such as web widgets, parallel edges, and legends generation. Discover the list of features of v1.0 here.
We have added the generation of legends for v1.1. Legend are a mandatory component to any visualizations because they help communicate the meaning of nodes, edges, colors, sizes and icons. However they usually take a lot of time to craft. In Linkurious, legends are automatically generated based on the mapping between data properties and visual variables set in the Design panel of the Workspace.
Users can display legends when publishing interactive widgets. They can also downloaded them in PNG file or SVG file separatedly from the Workspace > Export menu. PNG files can be added easily is presentations and reports, while SVG files are best for print on any size and can be edited in software such as Inkscape or Adobe Illustrator.
The following image is an example of a typical legend from our demo, where the database is a subset of Crunchbase. Node colors and size are mapped to a property called “funding total”. Node icons represent categories of nodes. Edge color is mapped to a property called “funded year”, and edge size corresponds to the “raised amound in USD”.

We also ship an improved indexing process which brings speed and more stability for databases of hundred millions of edges. Indexing edges is now 3 times faster!
Try this new release on our online demo. We have just updated it! Contact us for any question, or send an email to for help.
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