Linkurious v1.4: Alert dashboard with Cypher for pattern detection
The new major release of our graph visualization software Linkurious is now available! It provides a unique alert dashboard for teams of analysts, continuous indexing capabilities to Neo4j, support for AllegroGraph, and single sign-on (SSO) with Azure Active Directory. Linkurious v1.4.2 is available in two flavors: Starter and Enterprise. Releases always apply to both variants.
From anti-money laundering and insurance fraud detection to cyber-security, companies must identify threats in connected data. The Neo4j graph database is perfectly suited to run complex queries and to extract patterns of suspicious or abnormal activity with the Cypher query language. Linkurious 1.4 provides a solution to streamline threat detection with its Alert Dashboard. Teams of analysts can now combine the power of graph-based analytics with human intelligence to detect and confirm alerts collaboratively.

It works as follows:
- Administrators create alerts with the Cypher query language.
- Alerts are generated at a given frequency.
- A team of analysts review the alerts to confirm or dismiss them. Analysts can sort alerts based on their importance, for instance money or risk involved. They can see who is working on alerts to synchronize with each other, and they can get the audit trail of alerts.
Learn more on the user manual and admin manual.

Notice that it is also possible to use the Alert Dashboard with an external pattern detection system instead of a graph database. All features can be easily integrated into third-party systems thanks to our REST API.
AllegroGraph is industry leader of semantic database systems. We have teamed up with Franz, Inc to support AllegroGraph in Linkurious. Linkurious is now a web-based alternative for Gruff users to explore their semantic databases. They can benefit from all features of Linkurious, including data editing, text configuration, and raw SPARQL queries. Contact us to evaluate it!

Linkurious will integrate seamlessly with Neo4j graph databases of unlimited size with the continuous indexing system. It is now possible to synchronize Neo4j 3.0.4+ databases with the Elasticsearch index automatically, without blocking users. We have contributed to neo4j-to-elasticsearch, the open source Neo4j plugin initially created by our friends at GraphAware. Kudos to them! Notice that we currently required an initial indexing phase to bootstrap Linkurious.
You can configure Linkurious for a seamless authentication experience and secure access management with Azure Active Directory.

Linkurious 1.4 is compatible with Elasticsearch 2.x. We continue to ship Linkurious with Elasticsearch 1.4.5 until considered totally safe to make the switch. You can now configure Linkurious to use more recent versions if you need to.
- Users linked to an LDAP account can be removed.
- Allow only users who belong to a configurable list of LDAP groups.
- Assign a configurable user group for LDAP users the first time they connect to Linkurious.
- Neo4j credentials can be read from environment variables instead of being stored in the configuration file of Linkurious.
- Read-only mode can be independently enabled for each datasource.
- Administrators can reset styles of newly created visualizations of all users from the Data administration panel.
- You can create a widget from a visualization ID.
- You can apply a force-directed layout computed on the server when creating a new visualization.
- You can disable indexation of edges.
- The “shortestPath” feature in Cypher queries is now allowed.
- Node and edge count are more robust in DataStax Enterprise Graph.
- Retry on error in DataStax Enterprise Graph indexation.
- Fix truncated widget content when MySQL is used as internal data store.
The next release will integrate DataStax Enterprise and AllegroGraph full-text search engines for increased performance. Elasticsearch will become optional. We will also support more authentication providers based on your requests.
Try this new release on our online demo. We have just updated it! Contact us for any question, or send an email to for help.
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