The Linkurious team is growing and we are glad to welcome a new member. David Rapin is joining us as our new CTO. Welcome David!

Who are you?
I’m freethinker, an amateur cook and a software craftsman. I do things with passion.
What do you expect to learn at Linkurious?
How to manage a small team of developers shipping billions of features per week, without compromising quality.
Why did you choose Linkurious as your next challenge?
After having worked in small and big organisations, I have noticed that I felt more at ease in smaller organisations. Being passionate about what I do, I tend to have ideas and try new things all the time: I wanted to be part of an organisation that would embrace this instead of fight it.
Another aspect that lead me to Linkurious is the high-impact potential of what we do. I believe that the product we are building could be a game changer for companies that try to maker sense of their connected data.
Which super hero or fictional character would you be?
Dewey, from “Malcolm in the Middle”. Don’t ask 🙂
What is your favourite music piece at the moment?
I am currently in a “german synthpop” revival phase, so here you go:
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