Last week was the San Francisco stop of GraphConnect 2013. With more than 400 persons attending the conference, speakers from various places and industries and a great organization, it was a huge success. Linkurious was here to talk about graph visualization. We met some great people and received an award for most innovative graph application in visualization.
Graphs are changing the world
From the get-go, Emil Eifrem, the CEO of Neo Technology, set the tone with an inspiring keynote. From Glassdoor which is using a Neo4j graph the size of half of Facebook’s graph to help people find their dream job to telecom operators and Fortune 500 companies, graph databases are being used in more and more industries. It’s not just social networks! With the upcoming release of Neo4j 2.0 the pace of change is not going to stop and the businesses who are not thinking about how to leverage the connected data in their industry will get disrupted. A great reason to go out looking for ways to build better products and services using graphs!
It feels good to be part of an awesome community
Linkurious was in San Francisco to give a talk on graph visualization. The video of this conference, like all the other conferences at GraphConnect, will be uploaded in the coming weeks. In the meantime you can watch the powerpoint version of it below.
This conference was more importantly a chance to meet with the community of people around Neo4j. Here are some of the people we met :
- the other start-ups and companies that are part of the Neo4j ecosystem : we met with the good people behind GrapheneDB (hosting Neo4j as a service), Structr (Neo4j based CMS) or GraphAlchemist. These guys are building amazing products and we are proud to be working alongside them.
- congratulations to Mathieu Labey and Glowbl : they are building a really cool product and it was exciting to see them in San Francisco. Glowbl won a well deserved award. Maybe they will help make the next GraphConnect accessible worldwide!
- a big shout-out to the developers writing the drivers for Neo4j who spent the days leading to the conference hacking away : hopefully some good stuff will come of this!
- the Neo4j team : the whole event was very well organized. Congratulations to you and thank you for receiving us so well!
- everyone who attended : we had the chance to talk with tons of people with very different backgrounds about their projects and how they intend to use graph technologies. This was an incredible inspiration. Thank you to all of those who reached out to us and shared their stories!
We are particularly looking forward to connecting with those who are trying to explore and visualize their graph data. We’ll be in San Francisco in the coming days meeting and talking about graphs. If you want to connect, please get in touch!
Linkurious is elected most innovative graph application in visualization
We are very proud to announce that we received a Graphies award. It’s really a huge honor for us and we are very proud of that. We’ll be working even harder to win it again next year!
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