Annapolis, MD and Paris, FR — May 25, 2017 — BAON Enterprises, LLC, a leader in analytic solutions, today announced that it has signed a reselling and distribution partnership agreement with Linkurious, a global leader in high performance graph data search and visualization.
BAON will be offering customers and partners the Linkurious Enterprise software. Engineered for high-performance visualization in a stand-alone product set, Linkurious combines ultra-fast visualization, high-speed search and scalability in an easy-to-manage platform. The Linkurious SDK solution removes the complexities associated with deploying and maintaining graph data visualization systems yielding faster time to results, ease of use and management, and world-class performance to meet mission-critical needs.
The market and subsequent application use for an architecture combined with the rest of BAON’s portfolio is diverse. Potential vertical markets include bioinformatics, cyber security, pharmaceutical discovery, defense, financial analytics, international manufacturing, as well as traditional customers in academic and government research.
« “We’re very excited about the promise both companies are committed to fulfilling through this partnership. It is especially advantageous for those solving some of industry’s and government most challenging problems. Particularly those who require turnkey solutions that accelerate business, technology, investigative and research workflows.“ »
« “We’re excited to partner with BAON as we focus our combined energies serving a broader range of customers with industry-leading graph analysis and visualization solutions. BAON has clearly demonstrated its ability to apply its expertise not only to enter, but to lead major market segments in the public sector, law enforcement and healthcare fields. This partnership represents a powerful opportunity for Linkurious to significantly expand its presence in the U.S and extend it to other parts of the world over time.” »
About BAON
BAON is a leader in analytics and innovative multinational partnerships. BAON is a value-added reseller and international distributor. Our company brings over 30 years of business experience in the public sector, defense, law enforcement and healthcare fields with a focus on software and analytics: enterprise search, multilingual text analytics with sentiment analysis; insider threat; real-time social media analysis; content management; data visualization and high reliability servers, workstations and storage.
Learn more at www.baonenterprises.com. Follow BAON on Twitter and LinkedIn.
For More Information Contact:
BAON Enterprises
Scott Gornall +1 443.643-6000
About Linkurious
Linkurious is an award winning graph visualization startup founded in 2013. They created a software solution that helps government agencies and Fortune 500 companies identify and investigate insights hidden in complex connected data. Their on-premise graph visualization and analysis software is used for fraud detection, enterprise architecture management, medical research or IT management. It is compatible with graph databases (AllegroGraph, DataStax, Neo4j, Titan) and comes with advanced security features and an extensible API.
For more information, see www.linkurious.com. Connect with Linkurious on Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn.
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