
Ogma 5.1: New transformations

June 27, 2024

Today we are proud to release Ogma 5.1. This latest release focuses on our next version of transformations, delivering better animations, robustness and new features.

Expand/Collapse animations

Remember how opening a group was a hassle? How difficult it was to layout the content of the group while placing the group among the other nodes? This new release is here to make your life easier. The new grouping transformation allows you to run layouts at the right time and handles all the animations for you. All you have to do is to set up which layout you want to apply and enjoy.

Geo mode grouping

Geo mode is newly available for groups. You can now switch to geo mode and see your open groups on the map.

Geo mode grouping in Linkurious Ogma 5.1

Simplified grouping layouts

When grouping nodes, you need to recompute the layout in order to have a nice visualization. When some groups are open, you also need to compute the layout of the nodes within those groups. And what if you have groups within groups? This used to be very difficult to solve, but not anymore. 

Ogma 5.1 provides a new way of dealing with this: the onGroupUpdated callback. This is called every time a node is added/removed from a group, giving you full control over how your groups are arranged, with minimum movement and hassle.,

Merged animations

Last but not least, Ogma 5.1 now merges all the transformations animations, transitioning from the unfiltered/ungrouped state directly to the final state. Where it used to generate a step-by-step animation that was unclear and jolty, it is now smooth and seamless.

Learn more

Learn more about Ogma, the JavaScript graph library for large-scale interactive graph visualizations:

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