
Fraud detection with graph analytics: 3 use cases

January 21, 2019

Fraud detection has become particularly challenging for organizations as fraud schemes grow both more prevalent and more sophisticated.

Organizations across industries are adopting graph analytics to reinforce their anti-fraud programs. In this post, we examine three types of fraud graph analytics can help fraud analysts detect and investigate:

  • Insurance fraud
  • Credit card fraud
  • VAT fraud

Fraud detection is about connecting the dots

Fraud investigators have at their disposal large datasets that hold the clues to detecting fraud. These clues are left behind by criminals who try to hide their activity behind layers of more or less intricate schemes. To uncover illegal activities, investigators have to connect the pieces of the puzzle to discover evidence of wrongdoing.

Most anti-fraud solutions are able to connect simple data points together to detect suspicious behaviors: an IP address to a user, transaction activities to a place of residence, or a loan request history to a client.

But these applications fall short on more complex analysis that would imply several levels of relationships or data types. This is mostly because technology on which these applications often rely create data silos. The relational databases that emerged in the ’80s are efficient at storing and analyzing tabular data but their underlying data model makes it difficult to connect data scattered across multiple tables to understand networks.

Graph databases are designed for this purpose. Their data model is particularly well suited to store and to organize data where connections are as important as individual data points. Connections are stored and indexed as first-class citizens, making it an interesting model for investigations in which you need to understand relationships.

In this article, we review three common fraud schemes and see how a graph approach can help investigators detect them faster and more efficiently.

relational vs graph
Relational databases store data in tables. Graph databases, on the other hand, are built to analyze relationships within the data.

3 types of fraud graph analytics can combat

Insurance fraud

Insurance fraud encompasses any act committed in the intent of deceiving an insurance company for their own financial benefit. It ranges from staged car accidents to faked deaths or exaggerated property damages. The FBI estimates that insurance fraud costs $40 billion per year in the US.

As an example, people frequently team up and put together fake road traffic accident (RTA) claims, in which they report hard-to-disprove, light, personal injuries. Those fraud rings involve several criminals playing the various roles of drivers, passengers, witnesses and even doctors that certify injuries, or accomplice lawyers that file the claim.

whiplash insurance fraud
Car accident fraud often involves a network of bad actors

There are too many claims filed every day for insurance investigators to analyze manually. Fraud investigation units have to rely on simple business rules to identify suspicious claims. But if the fraudsters made sure to avoid red flag case elements (such as unusual injury, recently purchased insurance policy, low velocity but significant injury, etc) there is a chance they will go undetected and repeat the scheme.

This is where graph analytics comes in. The graph approach brings data from various sources under a common model, so investigators can look at all the data at the same time, instead of isolated data silos. And this is exactly what they need because in these situations, what often gives away the fraudsters is abnormal connections to other elements.

These suspicious connections could be that the witness’s wife is connected to two similar cases, or that the doctor’s phone number is the same as the one of a driver involved in another RTA claims, etc. Graph visualization and analysis platforms like Linkurious Enterprise allow investigators to detect suspicious signs faster. They get a better understanding of the “big picture” and can identify abnormal connections to detect insurance fraud.

whiplash insurance fraud

Above is an example graph visualization where we can identify one of those abnormal patterns that indicate insurance fraud of staged car accidents: Two customers (blue nodes) filed three claims (green nodes). We can identify a network of three customers connected through personal information such as phone (brown nodes), email (pink nodes) with the same lawyer (green node) involved every time. It is likely they are recycling stolen or fake identity to file fraudulent claims.

Credit card fraud

Credit card fraud takes the form of criminals getting a hold of card information and making unauthorized transactions. Card-present scenarios, in which criminals use a stolen or counterfeit credit card at an ATM or at the point-of-sale (POS) terminal of a physical store, affected 45,8 million cards in the US in 2018. Despite a massive migration to the safer chip-based cards, stolen credit card fraud is still a major issue.

A common credit card fraud scheme may look like this:

  • Set up skimming devices at ATM or gas pump to steal the details stored in card’s magnetic strips;
  • Replicate the stolen card information into a counterfeit card;
  • Use to stolen cards to withdraw money at ATM, buy goods or gift cards at shops;
  • Cardholders notice unusual activity on their bank account and notify their bank.
atm skimming fraud scheme

Card fraud detection is a perfect case for graph technology. While traditional technologies will hardly allow you to create a big picture of data from various sources, the graph approach lets you collect the data in a model linking together: cardholders, transactions, terminals, and locations.

This way, when authorities are confronted with a surge of card-present fraud cases in a given region, graph technology can help identify the common point of compromise by highlighting the common links within the various reported cases, no matter how large the dataset is. 

credit card fraud graph analytics
Graph visualization lets you see all the data linked to a suspected card fraud case at a glance.

Above is an example of a graph visualization to identify a common point of compromise: Clients (blue nodes) report fraudulent purchases (orange nodes). We can identify through connections the common ATM (purple) where they made a withdrawal before the card was compromised.

Carousel fraud, also known as the missing trader, or VAT fraud, is the theft of VAT collected on the sale of goods initially bought VAT-free in another jurisdiction. This scheme is difficult to detect before the fraudsters make off with the stolen money, and losses can be massive.

In 2018, a single VAT fraud ring cost more than 60 million euros to the European economy. The criminal organization was selling products online through a wide network of shell companies and producing false invoices to carry out VAT fraud.

Generally, this is how the carousel works:

  • Company A sells the goods to company B VAT-free
  • Company B sells the goods to company C, charging the VAT
  • Company C sells the goods and claims a VAT refund to the tax agency of country A
vat fraud carousel scheme

These schemes are intricate and transactions happen in quick succession to avoid raising suspicion. To make sense of the layers of the criminal scheme, investigators need an overview of the situation. Once again, graph technology can help bring together various data sources to give analysts a better understanding of the full context.

Platforms like Linkurious Enterprise provide support for pattern finding activity, leveraging the flexible query semantic of graph databases. Investigators can search across vast networks of data for patterns indicative of carousel fraud: for example multiple transactions occurring in a short amount of time between companies from two different countries with a newly created intermediary company. From there, investigators can monitor flagged patterns and assess the existence of potential carousel fraud.

vat fraud graph analytics
A complex graph network indicating the presence of VAT fraud

Above is an example of a visualization to identify chains of transactions in VAT fraud: Companies (blue nodes) and their parent organizations (flags nodes) sell goods VAT-free and collect back VAT through complex layers of sales between EU and non-EU countries.

Using graph analytics and visualization to detect and fight fraud

Today, organizations use Linkurious Enterprise to fight fraud across activity sectors: insurance, banking, law enforcement or financial administrations. Graph technology is a complementary approach to traditional statistical and relational technologies. It gives the opportunity to look for clues in the connections between the data in order to identify fraudulent scenarios otherwise unnoticeable.

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